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Our School

Shawn Henderson

Shawn Henderson

High School Principal


Marshall Traditional K-8

Lincoln, Madison, Monroe

Lasalle, Marquette, Clay IA


Riley High School, in partnership with our families and community, provides all students with a rigorous and equitable education, celebrates each student’s background and identity, and engages the whole student to be a lifelong learner and a responsible, active citizen of the community.




  • Football
  • Girls Volleyball
  • Boys & Girls Cross Country
  • Boy Soccer
  • Girls Soccer
  • Cheerleading
  • Girls Golf
  • Boys Tennis
  • Flag Football


  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball
  • Boys Wrestling
  • Cheerleading
  • Girls Wrestling
  • Boys & Girls Swim


  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Girls & Boys Track
  • Girls Tennis
  • Boys Golf
  • Boys Volleyball
  • Unified Track


  • Art Club: a space where students can practice the arts and hone their individual skills. All students are welcome and we meet every Monday after school.
  • Athletic Council (RSAAC): Selected leaders from each sport meet together to strengthen their athletic teams through conferences, speakers, community service, and activities.
  • Bowling Club: The Girls and Boys Bowling Teams compete during the winter as a club sport in Indiana earning many individual and team awards.
  • Business Club: a variety of activities for students who want to have fun learning how to make money and sharpen their business skills. There is also an opportunity for participation in nationally recognized competitions with BPA and FBLA.
  • Color Guard: This dance team uses flags and plastic rifles to accompany the band in their performances at competitions and half-time shows during football games.
  • Class Cabinet: Students must complete an application to join this group that provides leadership with the floats for homecoming, designing the Hall Decorating Contest decorations in winter, and fundraising for their class.
  • eSports Club/CyberStrike:  We provide a place to foster teamwork and improve gaming skills, leadership, and sportsmanship each Wednesday. We currently provide PCs for any SBCSC student to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Fortnite, but students can bring Nintendo Switches.
  • French Club: This club meets after school throughout the year to learn more about French culture through food, art, and history.
  • Friday Morning Detox: This group meets on the third floor in the LGI room every Friday morning from 8:10am until the first bell. There is so much negativity in today’s world, we exist to be a positive place with a positive, encouraging message students can hear every Friday with free donuts and OJ. Instagram: @detoxsb
  • GAPP: German American Partnership Program is a 3-week exchange program with Lise Meitner Gymnasium in Willich, Germany. Learn all about Germany, German culture, food, language, etc. Host a German student, and then travel to Germany with other Riley students.
  • Girls Who Code: a club run in collaboration with Girls Who Code at Notre Dame. We meet once a week and enjoy coding, games, snacks, and time with other females who like coding! All who identify as female are welcome to attend.
  • Ignite: Formerly Riley's Gay Straight Alliance: exists to create a safe space for all genders and sexual orientations.
  • Knights of the Gaming Table: All students are invited to play and teach new board and card games, discuss community service, and fundraising efforts on Wednesdays after school throughout the school year.
  • Latiné Group: We work together to promote college, culture, and career opportunities within our Latiné community, but we also honor, celebrate, and share the things that make us different with all of the students at Riley High School. Club email:
  • Mock Trial: researches, rehearses, and reenacts a trial situation in a competitive format against other schools. This winter activity is excellent for students interested in law and drama.
  • My Brother’s Keeper: mentoring program for selected young men with the purpose of strengthening life skills and preparing for adulthood and higher education.
  • National Honor Society: Nominated Juniors and Seniors may apply for this organization that leads service activities and honors academic success.
  • Quiz Bowl: Participate in quiz bowl competitions with other schools. Answer questions relating to history, literature, science, math, sports, and other related topics. Practices are on Wednesdays in the wintertime.
  • Riley Readers Club: Students join teams and read exciting books that will end in an epic Battle of the Books.
  • Robotics: Members create a Robot according to specifications for competitions against other schools. Practices and competitions are in the winter season.
  • SADD: Students meet to discuss destructive behaviors such as drugs and alcohol. They promote positive support for peers and plan school presentations.
  • Science Olympiad: Students study and compete in a variety of scientific fields ranging from engineering to chemistry to forensics.
  • Sisterhood: Young ladies are invited to meet during school for uplifting and encouraging messages and support.
  • Student Council: Students must complete an application to join this group that organizes fun and service events for the entire school. Students Council is responsible for events such as Homecoming and Pep Assemblies.
  • Theater: Riley produces a Fall play and a Spring musical each year. Actors, musicians, set designers, and lighting and sound technicians are encouraged to join!